Lemonade Jody and Noah Stand

Tinkleflick Labs recently commissioned a socio micro-economic experiment designed to answer the following query: What would happen if you put 5-year-olds in charge of a business enterprise. The answer? As you will see from the video recording of our experiment, you get poor working conditions, … Continue readingLemonade Jody and Noah Stand

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Three at Last!

January 9, 2006 will be a big day in the house of tinkelflick. Noah will celebrate his third birthday (you read that right–Noah is three years old already!!!). On the same day, Natalie will celebrate her third week on the planet. It has been a … Continue readingThree at Last!

Noah Look Alike

There are times when we will think that Noah looks more like one of us than the other, but a recent picture was almost eerie in the resemblance between Noah and Wendy. As you may have been reading here on tinkleflick.com, we are in the … Continue readingNoah Look Alike

Noah’s Favorite Places

Weekend afternoons have become great ‘Daddy Time’ for Noah and I to hang out. Today was no exception as we embarked on a very typical set of errands which just barely necessary but are more a result of Noah’s desire to visit his favorite places. … Continue readingNoah’s Favorite Places

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rrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwwillllliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 daddyy cccccccccccccccccccccooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookie (Editor’s Note: The title of this post was the first time that Noah typed his own name without any assistance!)

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Noah Turns 2!

At 12:09 this afternoon (January 9th), we looked at our watches and realized that our little Noah-Bear has been with us for two years! Noah started off the birthday celebration by running around the house in his diaper and his teddy bear slippers. Noah’s buddy … Continue readingNoah Turns 2!