If you made it to this page, you are one of the few who still notices the domain on our holiday card and actually goes to read the letter. Every year, we think of trying to figure out how to track visitors to this site but we are glad that you stopped by!

Noah is in his final year at Portland State University where he is getting his degree in Geography with a minor in Geographic Information Systems (or GIS) — he’s going to be a map maker! He is working for a local utility and deals with the database of utility lines and he has an apartment in Portland with one of his first friends from preschool that he met when we first moved to Gig Harbor!

Natalie is a senior at Gig Harbor High School and is applying to college. She thinks she will likely stay in Western Washington but is still considering her options. She plans to major in Psychology. Natalie is the captain of the bowling team for her school and has been busy as a YMCA camp counselor over the summer and again during the winter break.

Wendy is still at Heritage Distilling where she has been for over eight years but that is just the beginning! She is on the board of several business and nonprofit organizations and will likely be the president of the Gig Harbor Dragon Boat Club this coming year in addition to being a regular paddler.

Ralph earned tenure at Pacific Lutheran University earlier this year and is now in his eighth year at the school and maintains his part-time law practice. While not able to get out on the boat nearly as much as in the past, he has picked up his guitar again and is playing in a band and writing and recording his own music!

Lulu has had a busy year this year. She has spent most of her time sleeping…or not! She wakes up several times during the night and we keep joking that she says “Wake Up…I’m Thirsty” so that is her new theme!
Happy Holidays
We hope you have a happy holiday season and a safe and successful New Year. Maybe next year we will have some user statistics to report (but keep your expectations low!)