Catching Up with Tinkleflick

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256221801505_0_bg.jpgWe here at have been a bit distracted lately and we haven’t been posting like we should. Someone should get fired for that except that if we fired said person we wouldn’t have anyone to update the site at all. I guess we get what we pay for and management is too cheap to hire a real web developer so you, our fans, get a lame product. Our product might suck but at least we’re honest about it!

We’ve been busy, of course. Summer is here and Ralph is agitating to move to Australia where the winter starts during our summer but he’s not finding a receptive audience. Noah is swiming like a fish and Natalie continues to grow but appears to be convinced that she is four like her brother and should be entitled to participate in the same kind of activities that he engages in. So it will go for the next 15 years!

Anyway, here is an update of picutures from recent months if you want to see them:

May 2007

April 2007 (and before)