Yes, that’s right. Our little girl turns one today. It’s hard to believe that an entire year has gone by already and that she’s moving out of the tiny infant stage into a full-blown toddler! Natalie enjoyed a small family party this last weekend hosted by Grandma Gisela complete with just about everything in pink. Noah, for the record refused to have anything to do wtih anything that was pink with the exception of some pink flowers that he delivered to Natalie while wearing a suit (which he refused to take off even as he led his cousins in a sand and dirt digging expedition). Natalie does a good job keeping up with her brother and is very close to walking but is a very efficient crawler. Anyway, we move from Natalie’s birthday to Christmas to Noah’s birthday in rapid succession, so we’ll see y’all in the New Year when we come up for breath. Happy Holidays!