2008 Holiday Letter

Welcome to the 2008 Tinkleflick Holiday Letter! For those of you who are new to the experience, we decided a few years ago to post our holiday letter here so that people with nothing better to do could read about the mundane details of our existence and the rest of the world could ignore us.

So, get a cup of coffee, sit back and prepare to be underwhelmed as you read the fourth annual Tinkleflick e-holiday letter brought to you by Taco Bell (hey, in this economy, we need to do everything we can!).

682929343605_0_bg.jpgWe started off the year as a homeless family. Well, we owned our new home but had yet to move there and we were well taken care at the in-laws (God bless ’em). Our move to our new home town (Gig Harbor, WA) was delayed so that we could spend what would be our last California holiday season in 2007 with our families and so that Noah could get at least through Spring Break in school before we moved. Oh, and Wendy feared the Winter and wanted to wait it out. Ralph drove the car from Cerritos to Gig Harbor in one sitting (16 straight hours) and Wendy and the kids flew up a few days later. By the way, if you want directions from Southern California: Get on the 5, go 1,300 miles and you’re there!

img_3110.jpgWe made it to Gig Harbor in time for the Spring which was colder than usual, or so the locals say (Wendy was NOT happy about this particular development). Spring actually was very beautiful here in Western Washington. Noah finished out his Pre-K year at a local private school and Natalie terrorized us at home.

398125736605_0_bg.jpgThe Summer was mild and there were lots of things to do. We opened Flick Inn to a stead stream of visitors that lasted, on and off, through the middle of December. Thanks to all of our family and friends who made the trip up here. It was great to see you and everyone in the land of Tinkleflick is welcome anytime. The only room we have actually spent any time working on is the guest bedroom (and we’ll spare you the details of that particular nightmare). Visitors to our house will notice that we have an entire living room that is empty and currently serves as the camping room/football practice facility.

775210439605_0_bg.jpgSo, back to the Summer. When we were not hosting visitors, we were visiting ourselves. We spent time visiting family and friends in California and Wendy took off for Italy for a few weeks with her girlfriends and Ralph stayed home with Natalie while Noah was at Camp Grandma and Grandpa! Ralph still has a nice balance in his karma account for that one but the value of that account is fading faster than a U.S. automaker or a subprime loan!

Anyway, we’re excited for a full year in Gig Harbor in 2009. We enjoy seeing all the families grow as the holiday cards come in. Please keep in touch, check out tinkleflick.com every once in a while and visit if you can.


Season’s Greetings.
Ralph, Wendy, Noah and Natalie Flick