2022 Holiday Letter

We’re not sure how many recipients of our holiday cards actually come to this website and read this anymore. If you are reading this, shoot us a note by email or on Facebook or whatever app the kids use these days so we can see if anyone actually reads it! According to the web statistics, we have a LOT of friends in foreign jurisdictions hostile to the United States that are interested in the Tinkleflick News–maybe we should buy some international postage and expand our distribution list!


Noah will be turning 20 in January (yes, you read that correctly) and is currently studying Geography and Geographic Information Systems at Portland State University. He loves Portland and is working at Galaxy Games where he gets paid to nerd out with other board game fanatics! He’s doing very well in school and looking for internships next summer.


Natalie just turned 17 and is a junior in high school. Which means, for those of you keeping score at home, both kids will vote in the next presidential election and we have about 18 months before we are empty-nesters! Natalie is on her high school bowling team (she had a 200+ game in competition this season) and she runs track in the spring. She’s going to be working for her father (best boss ever!) when she has time as an office assistant.


Lulu sleeps most of the day and dreams of running on the beach at Seabrook.


Wendy has been at Heritage Distilling Company now for over nine years and now the company is going public! In her spare time, she practices with her Dragon Boat team sometimes four times a week and competes in races in the spring and summer. Wendy is also the in-house travel agent making all of our family travel happen (of which there was quite a bit this year including Louisville, Kentucky and Alaska). There’s more travel in the New Year with trips to California and Germany!


Ralph is in his seventh year at Pacific Lutheran University and is up for tenure this year. He also continues to practice law (it will be 30 years in 2024! Yikes!). To keep active, Ralph started running again this year and has run several 5K and 10K races and he has also been in training to steer for Wendy’s Dragon Boat team as well. He’s also keeping busy in his bowling league, sailing (not often enough), going to Mariners games (Ralph and Noah were actually at the 22-inning playoff loss to the hated Astros), playing guitar and going to see shows with Noah and the family.

Happy Holidays from Tinkleflickland

Whether you are a long-time friend of the family or a foreign national working on a disinformation campaign, we hope you enjoyed the 2022 version of our holiday letter and we hope to see (at least some of you) again next year!