It’s Almost April Already????

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I realized in horror that more than a full month has gone by since our last post here on  In an effort to make sure that we had at least one post for the month, I thought I would crank out a little update before I lost the chance.  Anyway, the biggest news stories are:

Ralph Got Braces.  That’s right, Ralph is a brace face for the next 30 months.  He is planning to write some posts in his own blog about it, so check back for that.

The Back House is (almost) Done.  The painting and tile are done, the audio visual equipment gets installed tomorrow and we are moving furniture this weekend.  There are a lot of reasons why it has taken almost a year since we received the permit and more than seven months since we broke ground, but we’re pretty sure Hillary Clinton had at least something to do with it.

Other than that, things are going well.  We need to address the issue of the frequency of updates, so we have a new plan for April (and, in addition to writing this in March to have at least one post for the month, we didn’t want to make this promise on April 1st or you would really not believe me).  We are going to post at least one update every week and, hopefully, that will motivate Ralph to write other things.  Now that the backhouse is near completion, we might have a small chance of actually being able to update the site more often.