For those of you who are cynical and not too easily offended, you are missing the best show on TV if you do not watch South Park on Comedy Central. It just so happened that I was working on the latest version of our website last night which is as blog format and it ocurred to me that South Park is really an animated blog for Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the show’s creators. They have a decidedly libertarian approach (to which I can relate) and they get away with saying things that would cause an absolute uproar if anyone else communicated the same message. However, since they attack everyone so often that it removes any sensitivities that normally cloud political speech. That, and the fart humor, it their genius!
One of the things that Trey and Matt do is turn recent events into South Park episodes very quickly. Last night’s episode was no exception because the topic was a flood of a low-lying area near South Park and the public panic caused by failures of government and media to blame. As Wendy can attest, I was literally laughing out loud as the episode progressed. It just further cemented, in my mind, the genius reputation of Matt and Trey (as if ‘Team America: World Police” wasn’t enough).
Now, a cautionary note. If you have never seen “South Park” before and you are at all sensitive about your race or religion or are offended by crude humor, then stay away. Otherwise, set your TiVo to record last night’s episode immediately and sit back and enjoy the only really uninhibited political commentary on television.