Things I Love Vol. 82: “My PDA”

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There are more than a few broken PDAs in my wake mostly because Wendy keeps breaking hers and taking mine. So far I have been cool with this arrangement because it gives me an excuse go buy a new toy.

Anyway, one of my latest toys is my iPaq 6314 which has smart phone, wireless and Bluetooth capabilities. I can surf the Net anytime and anywhere I want (with no filters–take that, NC IT Department). In fact I am submitting this story to you on my iPaq now!

It’s a little slow but I think the next generation of devices that replace it will be able to replace laptops. I am sure that I will find out before long when I have to hand this over to Wendy after she breaks the Palm Zire that she bought for me two years ago to replace the Handspring that she confiscated the year before that!