Yes, that’s right. The new blog version of the website is only a few months old and we have already upgraded it!! You probably won’t see too much of a difference in the appearance for now (if everything went right, you shouldn’t)…until a scheduled graphical theme redesign later in the year, but since we went live with the new site in October, the developers of WordPress have released a new version. I had been waiting to see if I liked the new version and (due to a side project that is, as of yet, super-secret) I had a chance to test-drive it. I liked it enough to want to upgrade. So, with Natalie asleep on my tummy and the clock ticking over to 1:00 a.m. on a weeknight what better time to embark on a full-blown technology upgrade? It actually wasn’t very bad and the new version is pretty cool. If you are interested (and, we here at tinkleflick cannot possibly believe that very many people would be), please feel free to drop Ralph a line and he’ll be more than happy to geek out with you.